February, March, and April 2008

Manuelito, Manuel Vasquez, and Linda Burback with bottlenose dolphins near Puerto Escondido.

So with so much wild beauty where the Sonoran Desert meets the Gulf of California, just what is there to do in this magical place called Baja? To show us how to enjoy the water undersea specialist Carlos Navarro gets chummy with a California sea lion at Los Islotes Islets in the Bay of La Paz.

Exploring caves by Zodiac at Isla San Pedro Martir, the most isolated island in the entire Gulf of Califonia (Sea of Cortez.)

Even the groupers think they can fly during elegant tern nesting times on Isla Rasa in the upper Gulf of California. Actually, this leopard grouper is leaping
out of the water for the exact same prey that has the terns diving
into the water; sardines!
National Geographic Traveler photo editor Dan Westergren contemplates sunset over the Baja Peninsula from on top Isla Catalina in the lower Gulf of California.

Expedition Leader Sue Perin surveys the
National Geographic Sea Bird from Isla Monserrate.

Early morning photo sessions on Isla San Esteban in the midriff region of the Gulf.

Kayaker Jan Mitchell in Puerto Don Juan near Bahia de los Angeles.

Walking the docks in the sleepy French-influenced port town of Santa Rosalia.
So much of the Baja Peninsula is still wild and remote. The offshore islands are yet untouched and untramelled. The magic lingers everywhere...
And then comes a dose of reality (below).
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