The image above was recently chosen by Nature's Best Magazine in the
Windland Smith Rice International photo contest from tens of thousands of submitted images as highly honored in the people in nature category. The magazine comes out in November, 2009. Of course I am very happy to have one of my images selected in this prestigious photo contest, but I am especially excited that this image is of my good friend (and excellent photographer in his
own right) Carlos Navarro. The real icing on the cake for me, however, is that this image was taken by a mere point-and-shoot camera! It is shot with a Canon S70 in a Canon underwater housing. I have been teaching photography all over the world for many years now, alongside some of the top National Geographic photographers out there, and I always smile when one of my students claims they can't get a great image with a small camera like this. So this award really is shared by all the folks who have an aim-and-create camera, go out there and shoot to your heart's content!
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