Saturday, September 30, 2006

Final humpbacks of the Alaska season!

September, 2006

With cold and stormy weather humpback whale season has finally come to an end for me here in southeast Alaska. This has been an amazing summer, with quite a few resightings of animals I know and have seen here over the years. The bubble-net feeders have been better than ever, and lots of amazing encounters with humpbacks to add to my journal. Here are a final few images for your enjoyment! The next time I will see these same animals we will all be in Maui in February. Be safe and travel well my friends!

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Dead Humpback Whale calf

August 30, 2006

Late this morning while cruising in southern Chatham Strait off the southern end of Admiralty Island we came across this dead, bloated, and floating humpback whale calf. A call to friends at NOAA to report the carcass allowed us a closer inspection in order to retrieve skin samples for testing. The calf was a female, about 28 feet long, with a polypropelene rope wrapped around the left pectoral fin and running through the mouth. It seems that entanglement may have been involved in the death of this calf. A sobering moment to be sure, and a reminder that not all encounters between whales and men end well for the whales...

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